The Business of Authority

Joe Jacobi - The 5 in 5 Challenge

Episode Summary

Listen to Joe Jacobi, winner of our five in five challenge, talk about the art of a good start!

Episode Notes

Listen to Joe Jacobi, winner of our five in five challenge, talk about the art of a good start!

Talking Points

Quotable Quotes

“I’m not scared of slow growth. In fact, I’m a big advocate of it.” –JJ

“What I liked about five in five the most, even more than connecting with people and seeing the content do well, is what you guys are advocating for in the daily communication: it helps you find your voice.” –JJ

“I think people enjoy when I find ways to take them into Catalonia or share Catalan values.” –JJ

“I want to be one of those people that really squeeze the orange dry.” –JJ

Related Links:

Joe Jacobi

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